Senior Research Scientist - Machine Learning & Computer Vision
My interest is at the intersection of Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Creative/Generative AI, Machine Perception and Multimodal Interaction. I am interested in the potential of AI systems to develop new forms and processes for human creativity to use them as non-human collaborators and empower creative expression. I am also interested in building integrated systems that can see, feel and perceive human behavior (social, verbal and non-verbal) and the world in order to understand, model and synthesize social interactions, affect and interactions with the environment to provide computers with similar abilities to humans.
Other areas I work on: Computational Aesthetics, Social Media Analysis, Object Detection/Recognition, Pose Estimation, Action Recognition, Biometrics, Re-Identification, Neuroscience, Computational Ethology, Social Signal Processing, Affective Computing, Human Sciences, Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual/Augmented Reality.
BSc in Multimedia Computer Science (2010), MSc in Engineering and Computer Science (2012) and PhD in Computer Science (2016) at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona (Italy). During my PhD I investigated the interplay between aesthetic preferences and individual differences. Research associate at Disney Research (2016).
Postdoctoral scholar at CalTech (2016-2018) under the supervision of Pietro Perona, where I worked on the analysis, detection, tracking and recognition of mice social behaviors in videos.
Research scientist at Disney Research LA (2018-2020) where I developed Machine Learning, Perception and Computer Vision systems with the goal of creating new magic experiences in the theme parks, resorts, hotels and cruiseships.
Senior research scientist L5 at Netflix (2020-2024) where I researched and deployed algorithms, models and pipelines at scale to enhance tools used by content creators in their daily workflows in generating media assets, original content and throughout the production lifecycle, including visual effects (VFX), animation and games. The cross-functional work included research, design, implementation, A/B testing, and deploying of algorithms and systems into production. Research also included developing models, systems and pipelines trained on and inspired by SOTA generative models, LLMs and VLMs.
At the end of 2024 I joined Adobe Firefly Video & Audio team as tech lead / senior applied scientist P50. I work on generative models for videos, including the Adobe Firefly video model powering the Adobe Firefly Web App.
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Estimating Structural Disparities for Face Models
S. Ardeshir, C. Segalin, N. Kallus.
CVPR, 2020
[PDF] [Support Material] [Poster]
Smile Intensity Detection in Multiparty Interaction using Deep Learning
P. Witzig, J. Kennedy, C. Segalin
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW), 2019
Predicting the personal appeal of marketing images using computational methods
S.C. Matz, C. Segalin , D. Stillwell, S.R. Müller, M.W. Bos
Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2019
Automated Content Evaluation Using a Predictive Model
S. D. Lombardo, C. Segalin, L. Chen, R. D. Navarathna, and S. M. Mandt
18-DIS-326-MEDIA-US-UTL, 2018
Mouse Academy: high-throughput automated training and trial-by-trial behavioral analysis during learning
M. Qiao, T. Zhang, C. Segalin, S. Sam, P. Perona, M. Meister
bioRxiv, 2018
What your Facebook Profile Picture Reveals about your Personality
C. Segalin, F. Celli, L. Polonio, D. Stillwell, M. Kosinski, N. Sebe, M. Cristani and B. Lepri
Proceedings of the 25st ACM international conference on Multimedia, 2017
The Pictures we Like are our Image: Continuous Mapping of Favorite Pictures into Self-Assessed and Attributed Personality Traits
C. Segalin, A. Perina, M. Cristani, A. Vinciarelli
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2016
[PDF] [Dataset] [Code Features]
Personal Aesthetics for Soft Biometrics: a Generative Multiresolution Approach
C. Segalin, A. Perina, M. Cristani
International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2014
[PDF] [Support Material] [Poster] [Dataset]
Unveiling the multimedia unconscious: Implicit cognitive processes and multimedia content analysis
M. Cristani, A. Vinciarelli, C. Segalin and A. Perina
ACM international conference on Multimedia, 2013
[PDF] [Slides] [Video] [Dataset] [Code Features]
Reading between the turns: Statistical modeling for identity recognition and verification in chats
G. Roffo, C. Segalin, A. Vinciarelli, V. Murino and M. Cristani
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2013
Statistical Analysis of Visual Attentional Patterns for Video Surveillance
G. Roffo, M. Cristani, F. Pollick, C. Segalin and V. Murino
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications, 2013
The expressivity of turn-taking: Understanding children pragmatics by hybrid classifiers
C. Segalin, A. Pesarin, A. Vinciarelli, M. Tait and M. Cristani
nternational Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS), 2013
Generative modelling of dyadic conversations: characterization of pragmatic skills during development age
A. Pesarin, M. Tait, A. Vinciarelli, C. Segalin, G. Bilancia and M. Cristani
Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social Signals in Human-Computer-Interaction, 2013
Design and implementation of vibrotactile sensor of depth
The main idea was to create a tool able to stimulate the user to sense spatial depth from a tactile input. In particular we have created a table with four pressure sensors able to give four different sounds and haptic feedbacks
Analysis of eye motions using AAM
The general purpose of this project, in collaboration with Dr. Manganotti, was to analyze video sequences involving epileptic patients. In particular, we created a classifier able to discriminate different stages of an epileptic seizure. To face this problem we used some techniques based on Active Appearance Models (AAM).
Extend mElite game
Extend the mElite game located in the space. You can negotiate objects, fuel, planets. For each asteroid you destroy, you earn money and life.
Gesture interaction with markers
The aim was to use ARToolkit for designing 3D models. The program is able to recognize drawn and printed patterns (like a shape). We studied a mechanism to make the user interact with the program not only through a simple marker, but through keyboard or fingers motion.
[Slides] [Video]
This dataset is used for studying personal aesthetics, a recent soft biometrics application where the goal is to recognize people from the images they like. It's composed of 200 users, 40K images. Given a set of preferred image of a user.
[ACCV14] [ICMI14] [IEEEForensics14] [ICIP14]
This dataset is used to infer both self-assessed and attributed personality traits (Big-Five Traits) of Flickr users from their galleries of favorite pictures. The datset is composed of 60,000 pictures tagged as favorite by 300 users.
[Dataset] [Code Features]
I attended a bachelor degree in Multimedia Information Technology at the University of Verona, where I was mainly interested in Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Graphics and also Perception. My bachelor degree thesis proposed a face recognition system, that has been installed at the door of the VIPS laboratory of the University of Verona. I completed a master degree on Engineering and Computer Science with a thesis focused on the research field of Social Signal Processing (SSP), the domain aimed at modeling, analysis and synthesis of nonverbal communication in human-human and human-machine interactions. The purpose of the thesis was the person re-identfication through the way people chat with other subjects. During that period, I was lucky enough to work also on other research projects, like recognizing the age of children by the way they talk with each other. SSP together with, Social Media Analysis, Personality Computing, Machine Learning and Computer Vision became the main topics of my PhD at the Dept. of Computer Science in Verona (Italy).
During the first year of PhD I investigated the interplay between aesthetic preferences and individual differences, under the supervision of Marco Cristani. I had the great opportunity to move to Glasgow for some months and collaborate with Alessandro Vinciarelli to this project. I collected a dataset of 60K images favorited from Flickr users, extracted features coming from the field of Computational Aesthetics (CA), and predicted from them the personality of a user. Continuing on the perspective of CA, we also proposed a soft biometrics application where the goal is to recognize people by considering the images they like as a new biometric trait. At the end of the second year of PhD I moved for some months in Birmingham to collaborate with Mirco Musolesi with the aim of investigating the role of textual, visual and social cues in information propagation in Twitter. My last contribute during the PhD was in the field of Deep Learning and Representation Learning, trying generalize the particular cues that characterize each personality trait. While waiting to defend my Phd thesis, I worked as research associate at Disney Research in Pittsburgh (PA).
After my graduation, I landed in Pasadena (CA, USA) to work as postdoctoral scholar at California Institute of Technology (Caltech), in the Computational Vision Lab, under the supervision of Pietro Perona and to collaborate with David Anderson. Here I worked on animal behavior, in particular, Computational Ethology, which involves biologists and computer scientists with the common goal of understanding, analyzing, measuring and describing animal behavior using Machine Learning and Machine Vision algorithms and tools. My role here was to develop a novel system able to detect, track and recognize mice actions on videos.
Between 2018 and 2020 I was a research scientist at Disney Research LA, working on Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Creative AI, Emotional AI and Affective Computing and Perception with the goal of creating new magic experiences in the theme parks, resorts, hotels and cruiseships. I built integreated perception systems that can sense human (social and non-verbal) behavior in order to deliver more seamless experiences. In particular I developed applications for understanding, modeling and synthetizing social interactions to provide computers with similar abilities. I also explored the potential of AI system to develop new forms of and processes for human creativity in order to use them as non-human collaborators and empower creative expression.
From 2020 to 2024 at Netflix, I worked as senior research scientist L5, where I developed Computer Vision, Machine Learning algorithms to analyze and transform raw media sources to generate and recommend media assets, such as artworks and videos. I built and deployd algorithms that assist and empower editors and creatives in their daily workflows in generating media assets. The cross-functional work included research, design, implementation, A/B testing, and deploying of algorithms and systems into production. Research also included algorithmically assisting in different stages of production of original content developing models, systems and pipelines trained on and inspired by SOTA generative models, LLMs and VLMs.
At the end of 2024 I joined Adobe Firefly Video & Audio team as tech lead / senior applied scientist P50. I work on generative models for videos, including the Adobe Firefly video model powering the Adobe Firefly Web App.